And in 2022 and 2023, we put this spirit of artistic inquiry and exploration to work in the community around us. LEARN MORE in the FINAL REPORT.

By aligning our creative pursuits with community challenges and shared goals, artists of all ability levels will engage neighbors. We’ll design projects that advance the community good. We’ll communicate in new ways. We’ll make the world a better place by digging in, right here.

Together, we’re demonstrating that art matters, that our voices make a difference, that all of our hands at work—individually and collectively—can create change. And years from now we’ll look back and see what a difference we’ve made. “In 2022,” we’ll say, “in the YEAR OF THE ARTIST, something changed, and it changed for good.”

And the Year of the Artist was just a start. We’re offering trainings, networking opportunities, calls for art, artist grants, grants for art projects, community residencies and more. Together, we’ll continue to build Roanoke’s creative spirit to advance community good.
Archived resources:
- Read the press release here.
- Download the flyer to help spread the word.
- Dig into some of the resources guiding our work, including Americans for the Arts’ Artists at the Community Development Table and Springboard for the Arts’ Handbook for Artists Working in Community.
- Read about the effort in the Roanoke Times (Jan. 23, 2022) (Grab a PDF here)
The Year of the Artist is funded by the City of Roanoke and the National Endowment for the Arts. Learn more in What it Takes with Tom Landon (Blue Ridge PBS).
Just to get the energy going…watch the video to see the kind of cultural community you belong to in Roanoke: