Roanoke area artists are invited to apply to be featured in the Arts Connect Neighbors catalog.
This program is an arts-based initiative to connect neighbors and help neighborhood organizations create a stronger community in their corner of the Star City.
Explore the catalog to see what kinds of activities are already offered, and suggest your own unique approach to helping neighbors create, learn and engage together.
As a next step, we will continue offering free arts activities to neighbors paid for by the City of Roanoke and the National Endowment for the Arts. Additionally, we will promote the catalog to other communities, civic groups, and businesses who can hire the artists directly.
The format of the next catalog will be slightly different. We anticipate having more artists and activities, with less information on the activities, a stronger reliance on pictures and the QR coding that will direct neighbors to the website.
APPLY BY MARCH 1, 2025 to be considered for the next catalog.
Explore the current online catalog here.
Download the PDF catalog here.