The City of Roanoke is accepting submissions for the Color Your Corner Contest. Five selected artists will have their artwork installed on a signal cabinet in Roanoke for the community to see!
This art contest is part of the 2021 Roanoke Pedestrian Safety Campaign, which is led by the City of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to raise awareness of speeding as a pedestrian safety issue and reduce speeding and speed-related crashes in Roanoke.
Artwork submissions must meet the following criteria:
- Original artwork
- Incorporates the message “No Need to Speed” in a positive way
- Highlights the diversity of Roanoke’s neighborhoods and people
- Cannot mimic a regulatory sign
- No offensive wording or images
- No nudity or violence
- No promotion of any business or product
The City retains the right to remove the art for any reason.
If you have trouble accessing the form, please contact Andrea Garland at
Contest Details
- Artists and people who care about traffic safety are encouraged to submit artwork. Submissions by people of all ages are welcome.
- Initial submissions can be a rough sketch submitted by August 31, 2021.
- Each of the five selected artists will receive a $200 stipend. All installation costs will be covered by the City.
- The sketch does not need to be the final artwork, but it should be detailed enough that the selection committee can get an idea of the artwork.
- Selected artists will have an opportunity to refine their sketch upon selection. Artists are welcome to use the signal box artwork template for the design if desired. Final artwork will need to be rendered to fit on the signal box artwork template and reproduce on vinyl wrap for installation.
- Please include a written description of your artwork on the online form, include your process including media and what, if any, aspect of the work was done digitally
- Five proposals will be selected by a panel assembled by the Roanoke Arts Commission.
- The selection panel will follow the City of Roanoke’s public art procedures, evaluating submissions for an overall presentation of originality, artistic merit, presentation of the message, and suitability for the context. The group of selected proposals will reflect the diversity of Roanoke’s neighborhoods and people.
- Neighborhood-specific illustrations are encouraged.
- Artists will be notified in October and will be provided with guidance about the final artwork needed upon selection.
- The final artwork will be installed with vinyl wrap on five signal cabinets in the winter or summer of 2022 (based upon funding sources).
Download the Signal Cabinet Dimension Template: Signal Boxes Sizes
The submission deadline is August 31, 2021.
Reach out to Andrea Garland at or 540-853-2676 with any questions.
Color Your Corner 2020 Winners
Congratulations to the 2020 Color your Corner winners: Carly Almarez, Renae Dower, Molly Kernan, Hannah Wheeler, Sunni Purviance and Eliza Kraus.

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