Artist’s NameHeather Marshall
Address739 Shelbourne Ave
Vinton 24179
United States
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Instagram Handle (if any)hmarshallart
Tell us about you, the artist. Please include a few sentences of biographical information.

I am a middle aged practicing artist. I taught K-12 art at RCPS for 12 years. I was previously awarded a grant in 2022 for the Youth Artists Workshop in conjunction with the Juvenile and Domestic court. This project is a continuation of that program. My greatest asset is my ability to connect with people, especially so through art making.

Please describe your artistic practice including the media you work in and your approach to your art.

I am a realist artist who paints in oils. I also enjoy sketching in ink pen. Currently I am working on a body of work called Around Town that explores the environment I live in. At the core of my interest is the relationship between architecture and class.

Describe the proposed work or project.

See proposal.

How will the work advance wellness, justice, or inclusion in Roanoke? Consider a community issue that you hope to address, something you want to celebrate or a condition you want to change.

My project promotes emotional support through artmaking for youth who have had to move through the J&D court system. This could be youth who’s families are divorcing, determining custody and visitation, adoption, foster, or even moving through the juvenile justice system.

When do you anticipate undertaking the work? If the project is tied to a set event or date, let us know.

I have chosen the end of January each year for the annual exhibition. I chose this time of year so the exhibition would not be competing with so many other obligations such as holidays, vacation season, homecoming, prom, spring break, graduation, etc. The first exhibition will be in January of 2025.
There will be 4-6 workshops planned between March and November of each year. The goal is to host workshops on Saturdays from 10am-5pm, with a ½ hour lunch.
Between November and mid-January, I will coordinate with Judges to plan an opening reception, produce media to advertise and promote the exhibition, prepare artwork for exhibition, and deliver and install the artwork in the courthouse.

Are there partners in this effort? If so describe the partnerships and what each partner brings.

The youth participants are partners that will draw on their unique experiences with the J&D court to create art.
Teaching artists are partners who will bring their vision and knowledge to the table to assist the youth in expressing their feelings and ideas.
Judges and community leaders are partners who will help bring the youth and families to the program.
Community members are partners who help fund supplies for the workshop.

Your theory of change: How will the work advance your efforts as an artist toward an established goal? How will you, a partner organization, or the community be changed?

Compassion and love are extremely powerful. It is my goal to use my visual art ability to provide connection and comfort and support to youth who have struggled through family issues or the juvenile justice system. My own family has had to go through court a few times so I have experienced the stress of it first hand.

How much money do you need to accomplish the project? (The allowed range is $500 – $3,000.)$3000 plus donations/additional funding for materials.
What other resources do you need to accomplish the project?

Donations or additional funding for materials.
A space with a sink and bathroom to call home!

Attach a full budget for your project. Include all costs and revenues. This can be a spreadsheet, word document, PDF, or image.Harmony-in-Hues.docx
Submit your CV, resume, or brag sheet here.Heather-Marshall-Resume-2023.docx
Submit a PDF of up to five images representing recent projects or works. (Max file size 10 MB). This should be one file containing multiple images. This must be a PDF. Include captions describing the work. (A PDF can easily be made using the “print as PDF” function in MS Word or “Download as PDF” in google docs.)My-work.pdf
Do you have general liability insurance coverage for your arts-based business, either through your own policy or through a project partner?No