Artist’s NameLynn Hunt
Address315 King George Ave. SW
Franklin Road
Roanoke 24016
United States
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Website (if any)
Tell us about you, the artist. Please include a few sentences of biographical information.

I am an inspired artist. Inspiration is my motivation. I work in Acrylics and watercolors. I have been a resident and Owner of the King George Inn located in Old Southwest since 2009. I am active in the League of Roanoke Artists and am current the Acting President of the League. I have served on the Old Southwest Inc. Board as a membership Chairman. I am active in OSW and Roanoke Arts.
Currently, I have an “Its Here” painting hanging in the Municiple Center honoring Bob Smucker of the 3rd Street Coffeehouse. I expect to present my award of $500.00 from a grant from the Arts Commission to the 3rd St. Coffeehouse April 15, 2024.

Please describe your artistic practice including the media you work in and your approach to your art.

I am an inspired artist. I like the immediacy of Watercolor . I also work in Acrylics. I actively show and sell my work . I painted several house portraits in our neighborhood recently and offered the paintings for sale . I was able to donate all the funds earned a a neighbor in need who hs since passed away.
I have been painting musicians at play for over 10 years and am known as “the artist on the Mountain” due to my love of the outdoors and those musicians as well.

Describe the proposed work or project.

Along with several other artists, I would like to spearhead and create an Old Southwest Coloring Book. The book would feature historic homes in the OSW neighborhood and give a brief background of our history. “The area now known as Old Southwest got its start over 200 years age in 1771 when King George III of England granted 150 acres to James Alexander. Eventurally deeded to Samuel H. Gish, the pre-1838 log home on the site, now known as “The Alexander/Gish House’… of the Roanoke valley’s oldest structures. It now serves as a meeting place for the Old Southwest Inc. and is maintained by OSW. However, the property is owned by Roanoke City.

How will the work advance wellness, justice, or inclusion in Roanoke? Consider a community issue that you hope to address, something you want to celebrate or a condition you want to change.

A celebration of our history and our “urban pioneer” spirit reminds us of our roots and our progress. Our approach to preservation reflects the sense of togetherness. A collaboration of Resident artists working together strengthens a spirt of belonging and community. A project to pass along to our children and to our families and an invitation to potential home owners who would appreciate our quaint character and convenience to hospitals, businesses and parks.

When do you anticipate undertaking the work? If the project is tied to a set event or date, let us know.

The work will be on-going through October 2024 with publication in time for Holiday celebrations, our annual Parlor Christmas Tour and Holiday Gifting. The Project would be tied to the annual Parlor Tour which is a tradition in Old Southwest for over 35 years.

Are there partners in this effort? If so describe the partnerships and what each partner brings.

Our partners are the contributing artists residing in OSW, Support for OSW, Inc , truly the whole community in which we live. and those families whose homes are featured.
We are looking for additional funds from business in the neighborhood.

Your theory of change: How will the work advance your efforts as an artist toward an established goal? How will you, a partner organization, or the community be changed?

Our theory of change will be promoted by empowering community members to learn about and appreciate history, the architectural significance maintaining the beauty of these home …many of which have been saved from demolition. and a pride of living in this thriving city. This book will boost tourism and togetherness as we interact one with another.

How much money do you need to accomplish the project? (The allowed range is $500 – $3,000.)$2,000 would be "seed" money for initial publication
What other resources do you need to accomplish the project?

A print group such as Marsid Group or a local advertising group is needed to product an initial printing of 500 books.

The initial cost of printing approximately 32 pages plus a cover is $1328.
Books sales would be priced at approximately $15 per book.
Per item the cost per book is approximately $2.65
Profit from each book sales would be approximately $12.35

Do you have general liability insurance coverage for your arts-based business, either through your own policy or through a project partner?