NameDanielle Johnson
Address – Must match your W-94423 Harford Cir Nw
Roanoke, VA 24012
United States
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EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Date(s) services were, or are to be, provided (can be a date range or period)3/23/2023
Amount of invoice ($)1100
Services provided (Project Title / Short Description)Ignite your light: The Candle pouring workshop you never knew you needed.
Services provided (details of agreement)

In this 90-minute workshop, Roanoke creative, mental-health professional, and candlemaker Danielle Austin-Johnson will teach the basics of natural soy candle making. Through this interactive course, participants will connect with neighbors, applying the symbolism of mindfulness techniques, cognitive reframing and the importance of positive self-talk. The focus will be on pouring into yourself, affirming and creating a space within yourself to ignite your purpose while creating your own aromatherapy soy candle.

Participant in the Good Energy Spring Kick-Off Celebration

Our goals are to introduce the northwest communities with alternative.
options to living a healthy and fulfilled lifestyle. We will gather with
various businesses and community leaders to facilitate coping.
exercises, sound therapy, a live cooking as well as any other art and
community building options available to us.

SERVICES PROVIDED – Details of Agreement
Provide a neighborhood “Ignite Your Light Candle Pouring Workshop” at the Good Energy Spring Kick Off Event on March 23, 2024 at Screaming Vegan restaurant, 2715 Melrose Ave NW, Roanoke, VA 24017.
Ensure appropriate safety precautions and procedures are in place.
Media releases, advertising, stage announcements, programs, and any other forms of activity recognition will include use of the Partner logos and/or the phrase, “This activity is provided through the Arts Connect Neighbors program with funding from the City of Roanoke and the National Endowment for the Arts.
In the event of event cancellation, the project resources will be used for a rescheduled event, or, if that is not possible, for another event entirely, as agreed upon by the City of Roanoke and the artist.
A simple post-event form will be submitted within 30 days.
Funds will be returned if the project is not completed by May 31, 2025.

“As discussed with Ms. Dillion, A variety of ages will have the opportunity to participate in the workshop. A minimum of ten participants, up to fifteen.”

Invoice number (Required: This is the number the you assign for tracking.) It should correspond with your bookkeeping system.)002
Add PDF of Vendor’s Invoice Here (Optional. Use this if you have an invoice already generated from your system. Please use this field to upload a breakdown of costs if relevant.)ARTS-CONNECT-CATALOG-Invoice-002.pdf
For the funding the creation of new original work, artists must agree to the Terms and Conditions (above) around ownership of work created for the City. This does not apply to the presentation or exhibition of exisiting work.
  • I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
  • New work is not being created in this project.
By typing your name, you attest to the accuracy of information submitted and agree to provide the stated services or affirm that you have provided the services described.Danielle A. Johnson
STAFF USE ONLY – Processing Notes

Okay to Pay – DCJ – 35-310-8348-2010