NameLynsey Wyatt
Address – Must match your W-91531 Rorer Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
United States
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EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Date(s) services were, or are to be, provided (can be a date range or period)08/06/2024
Amount of invoice ($)1500
Services provided (Project Title / Short Description)Aerial POPS! (Power of Public Spectacle)
Services provided (details of agreement)

Provide an Aerial POPS performance at Neighborhood Night Out on Aug 6th

Invoice number (Required: This is the number the you assign for tracking.) It should correspond with your bookkeeping system.)003
For the funding the creation of new original work, artists must agree to the Terms and Conditions (above) around ownership of work created for the City. This does not apply to the presentation or exhibition of exisiting work.
  • I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
STAFF USE ONLY – Processing Notes

DCJ prefers to allow our prior credit with her to cover this cost. Pending further investigation.