NameMolly Kernan
Address – Must match your W-93516 ventnor rd se
Roanoke, Va 24014
United States
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EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Date(s) services were, or are to be, provided (can be a date range or period)1 September 2024 through 30 August 2025
Amount of invoice ($)8000
Services provided (Project Title / Short Description)Serve as a Neighborhood Artist in the City of Roanoke's 2024-25 Resident Artist Program.
Services provided (details of agreement)

Guide and support neighborhood activity as part of the Daisy Art Activations and collective neighborhood arts strategy. This invoice covers the period 1 September, 2024 through 30 August 2025.

Serve as the resident artist in one neighborhood and support collective efforts across the community.

Communicate regularly with the Daisy Arts Lead Artist and the City of Roanoke Arts and Culture Coordinator to collectively strategize, plan and organize alongside other neighborhood artists and local neighborhood leaders, spreading a community spirit of arts-based renewal and possibility.
Participate in the weekly Arts Connect Tuesdays community- and network-building conversations for artists and residents as we build and reinforce a learning community together.

Participate, based on availability, in organized training for artists and neighbors, including Roanoke Arts’ Story Circle training and DISC-based teamwork training.

Provide the City with resources for an annual written report by June 30, 2025 to Douglas Jackson at or via online form to include:
Project details and outcomes;
Photographs pertaining to projects or services; and
Description of professional, organizational, and community growth experienced as a result of the project.

Complete any form or report that the City may develop in the future and to provide any data, performance measures, outcomes, etc., to the City or to any party contracted by the City to collect such information.

Acknowledge the “City of Roanoke Artist in Residence” role in media releases or communications as being “Funded by the City of Roanoke and the National Endowment for the Arts through the Roanoke Arts Commission.”
Funds will be returned by the artist on a prorated basis if the artist does not fulfill the obligations.

Invoice number (Required: This is the number the you assign for tracking.) It should correspond with your bookkeeping system.)4
For the funding the creation of new original work, artists must agree to the Terms and Conditions (above) around ownership of work created for the City. This does not apply to the presentation or exhibition of exisiting work.
  • I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
By typing your name, you attest to the accuracy of information submitted and agree to provide the stated services or affirm that you have provided the services described.Molly kernan
STAFF USE ONLY – Processing Notes

Okay to Pay
Daisy Art Parade Neighborhood Artist
Grant funds: NEA Daisy Art Activations
Payments to artists – 3101