NameSemelle Ramsey
Address – Must match your W-92044 Berkley Ave. SW.
Roanoke, VA 24015
United States
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EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Date(s) services were, or are to be, provided (can be a date range or period)7/2/2024, 7/3/2024, 7/8/2024, 7/10/2024
Amount of invoice ($)$700
Services provided (Project Title / Short Description)Provide an exploration of movement classes at Apple Ridge Camp this summer, help the children practice for the end of summer showcase.
Services provided (details of agreement)

7/2 morning
Free to Move: We discussed the freedom of movement and how to create a safe space for movement. The children were invited to the stage to create a big circle on the stage. I demonstrated large and small movements using children’s music then we took turns creating large and small movements inside the circle while the children in the circle clapped. We finished the class talking about the differences of feelings when doing large vs. smaller movements. Class size about 25.

7/3 morning / evening

Performers & Audience members: How to perform using emotions. The children were invited to stand in the center of the floor so they could catch the stuffed animals (2). The children who caught them were the performers and the rest of the students were the audience. The performers were allowed to choose one other child to be their partner if they wanted. Most of the boys chose books about emotions to read as their performance, some girls chose to sing songs about love, or dance to songs about love. First class size about 20, second class size about 25.

7/8 morning / evening
Feel the Beat: The children were invited to stand in the center of the floor so they could move freely. I then challenged them to let go of everything they thought of and just move when the music comes on. The music was children’s songs put to a hip hop beat. “It was fun to dance and be crazy,” was the most frequent sentiment expressed by the children. Class size about 21. Group 2 did the same activity with different types of music from around the world. We discussed how the changes in the music made our emotions change but not necessarily our movements. They were surprised how different music could change everyone’s mood so quickly. Class size about 26.

7/10 morning / evening
From scratch: We discussed different ways we could use our imagination and creativity to create a show. The children in the first group were divided into 4 groups of about 4 and the second 4 groups of 5 and one group of 6. They were asked to create 4 counts of 8 movements with the music of their choice as long as it was camp approved. Each group had 10 minutes to work on their 32 counts of movement. The children discussed the show order and gave it to me the host. They did their performances and were really proud of themselves for creating and performing in their show.

Invoice number (Required: This is the number the you assign for tracking.) It should correspond with your bookkeeping system.)5
Add any additional documentation, such as an agreed upon budget, project schedule, additional receipts, breakdown of costs if relevant as one PDF.
For the funding the creation of new original work, artists must agree to the Terms and Conditions (above) around ownership of work created for the City. This does not apply to the presentation or exhibition of exisiting work.
  • I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
  • New work is not being created in this project.
By typing your name, you attest to the accuracy of information submitted and agree to provide the stated services or affirm that you have provided the services described.Semelle Ramsey
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