Invoice instructions for artists and arts organizations

JULY 2024

The City of Roanoke is moving to a new, integrated financial system for suppliers across the enterprise. Thank you for working with us through this process to improve our financial systems for faster and more convenient service.

Registering as a Supplier

Supplier registration for existing suppliers is open at

Please note that once you register it may take up to two days to receive confirmation of your registration.

Logging in

If properly registered and are in the system you should get a confirmation email with details on how to log in. 
– If you are having trouble logging in please email invoice to

Getting Help with the Oracle System

– If you are having technical issues you may contact
Download the Quick Reference Guide (Below)

Special Notes for Artists

– Please note: For the creation of new work, the City’s terms and conditions are found here.

– For services provided, please use a general “Art Services” selection. Art services fall under specific procurement guidelines, and many of you provide a variety of services.

While creating your account, answer “yes” to “Does this contact need a user account?” and check all the options below.

There will be a section where you can upload documents. Here you can upload a W-9 form. We will need one on file in order to pay you.

If you don’t already have one, you can get a W-9 form online here:

If you’re having trouble registering or have questions, please email Chrissie Claudio at She can help you!

Submitting your Invoice

Your invoice must be dated and numbered. If you received specific language to include in your invoice, don’t forget to include that on the actual invoice.

Number your invoice. The number is your tracking mechanism that will help us tell this invoice apart from the next one. Your W-9 address must match your invoice address.

Please include the following information on the invoice.

If you’re having trouble submitting your invoice, you can just email your invoice to: