Committed residents and partners across our community are joining Roanoke Public Libraries and BOOK CITY Roanoke in a discussion of Pulitzer-Prize winning author Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste.
Over five Mondays this winter, we’ll explore Caste, the unspoken system that underpins life in the United States. In a section-by-section discussion, we’ll look at the structures at work in our lives be be better able to act to improve life for all of us.
» Registration is free.
» Add the Facebook event to your calendar.
» Find additional local anti-racism resources here.
“From the abolitionists who risked personal ruin to end slavery to the white civil rights workers who gave their lives to help end Jim Crow and the political leaders who outlawed it, these all-too-rare people are a testament to the human spirit, that humans can break free of the hierarchy’s hold on them.”
Isabel Wilkerson
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Roanoke Valley Branch
Black Girls Matter
Book No Further (Get 10% off the book in-store or using the link)
Central Church of the Brethren Race Education Team
City of Roanoke
Councilmember Bill Bestpitch
Councilmember Joe Cobb
Diversity Serves
Hollins University’s Eleanor D. Wilson Museum
Roanoke Arts Commission
Roanoke Valley Points of Diversity
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